
 L'interview en Anglais

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clan : Humains
Balance Dragon
Nombre de messages : 20001
Age : 35
Localisation : Paris
Emploi : Assisstant Post-production / Photographe
Loisirs : Cinéma, photo, litérrature, sport....
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2006

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Voici les questions en Anglais avec les réponses !

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1.How did the idea to write the Chronicles of Krondor come to you in the first place? Who are your reference authors, if any?

As I understand it, "Chronicles of Krondor" is what Bragelonne is calling the "Riftwar Legacy" series. I got the idea because I was involved with the development of two computer games that came out in the 1990's, Betrayal at Krondor and Return to Krondor, and decided to do them as a series of novels, with a "bridging" novel, Krondor: the Assassins between those two stories. If you're asking about the entire Riftwar Saga, that is a completely different story. I'll address that in your next question.

As for influences, there are many. As a youngster, I read both adventure fiction and historical fiction. So besides Robert Louis Stevenson, Anthony Hope, Sir Walter Scott, and Alexandre Dumas, I read the historical novelists such as Mary Renault, Thomas Costain, Rosemary Sutcliff, and others. In fantasy, I'd say my biggest influence was Fritz Leiber.

2.When you first threw out on a page the first lines of the Chronicles, did you already know that your life would dedicate to this novel ? Did you know at this precise time that you would write so much on the subject?

Not really. I wrote a story first of all to entertain my friends. It kept growing until it was clearly a novel. I started it as something of a "history of a place that doesn't exist," so when it became popular, it was easy enough to just keep going with the story of Pug and his companions and those who followed after.

3 . About Pug, did you think from the beginning that he would become so powerful ? Are you somehow scared that he ends up boring readers?

I knew Pug would be very important. The trick with a character like Pug is to have challenges that match is strength. You don't have Superman catching teen-age boys robbing liquor stores, you have him battling uge planetary menaces.

4.Once achieved the Chronicles of Krondor’s writing
and publishing, did you keep on for pleasure, by urge of knowing the rest of the story, or for your readers ?

First of all, I do it to pay the bills and feed my kids. Writing is the best job I've ever had, but it's still a job. I wouldn't do it for fun. That being said, it is fun. I enjoy it a great deal and I write what I like, because if I don't like it, how is the reader going to enjoy it? And after twenty four five novels about Pug and others
on Midkemia, I would like to see the end of the story, finally.

5.Arutha really is very powerful. Not in the prime meaning of the term, but at the figurate sense. He is respectful, touching.. Does he come out of your imagination, or is he some kind of reference to someone you loved?

Arutha is an archetypical figure. He's the controlled, calm, competent leader who people will follow without question, because he's right most of the time. His only failings are impatience when he's young and being less than an idea father when he's older. Not a bad father, you understand, just too busy at times to give his sons the attention they need. Other than that, he's pretty close to an ideal leader. He's as close to a comic book hero as I've gotten with a character.

6.Pug is an Orphan. Will we know one day who are his parents ?

I've revealed that already, though it wasn't a big scene, but in Wrath of a Mad God, Macros tells Pug his parents were a bar maid and a wandering soldier. They were "nobodies," relative to the story.

7.Nakor is really a special character . He’s unique ! What an amazing idea you had ! But how did it come to your mind in the first place ?

Nakor is a bit of an oddity. At first I saw him as being a little mix of comic relief and another approach to magic, i.e. "tricks." But he also sometimes plays the role of "Greek Chorus," providing a different
point of view for the readers. He's evolved, and it wasn't until the last two books I really understood who he was, how he got the way he is, and why he's there. All will be explained in Wrath of a Mad God.

8.One thing is striking between two characters from different worlds : Jimmy and Arakasi. Even though they are different, they feel very resembling to each other. One has got the biggest Intelligence Network , and the other dreams of having one. They both swear only by their masters. They are both smart, intelligent… Is it fate’s fruit, or is it meant like this? Or maybe even my theory doesn’t mean anything to your opinion?

Arakasi is more an administrator who can act like a spy, while Jimmy is more the spy who can be an accomplished administrator. But you're right, they do bear a resemblance to one another. Jimmy, whoever, is a great deal more confident when we meet him, a brash boy, whereas Arakasi is a "Grey Warrior," a masterless man who failed in his role as Spy Master before coming into Mara's service. She is his opportunity to redeem himself, in his own eyes, whereas Jimmy never failed in life, more or less.

9.Lots of novels end up with a cinematographic adaptation ( Eragon, The Lord of The Rings.. ), is it feasible for one of your series? Or maybe are you against cinematographic adaptation?

We're always talking, and have been for years, to any studios that wish to discuss it. I've had several deals that never came to fruition, but who can say what will happen tomorrow?

10.Several months ago, some comics about the Chronicles of Krondor came out in the USA. Can we hope reading them one day in France?

2)It's being discussed. Localizing comics is a part of the publishing industry I don't understand all that ay, but if my comic publishers can do it, I am sure they will.

11.About the Conclave of Shadows, during an interview granted to a reporter during Epinal 2006, you revealed the First Tome’s date of release, for January 2008. But at the present time, your French editor did not announce the information yet. Do you have any news about this?

Not really. You'd have to ask someone at Bragelonne for dates

12.Midkemia’s universe is the world in which you used to play, younger, during Role playing sessions. Thus, can we see the Chronicles’ Characters as a direct inspiration from the characters you would have played, or are they totally invented?

They were totally invented. I borrowed a couple of character's names as sort of a "thank you" to the people I played with, but they were all minor characters, Shigga The Spear in Darkness, and then Praji and Vaja in the Serpentwar.

13.I read that you didn’t meant to have Jimmy the Hand have such a huge place in your books, did you somehow got attached to him, or did he just revealed himself to be useful to the plot?

Characters evolve in the writer's mind. It's part of the fun. Jimmy was just too good a character not to use once I get him "on the stage" as it were

14.Why did you chose to marry Jimmy ? Did you want to grant him some kind of immortality through his kids, or did you think he finally earned a peaceful life?

Not really. In too many fantasy novels the characters are being heroic all the time and have no personal lives. Jimmy had trust issues, because of his upbringing, so I wanted to show that dimension
of several of my characters, i.e. Pug, Jimmy, Arutha, Tomas, etc. Families make people different. I didn't get married until late in life and having children was a revelation to me. It does make a profound difference in your life.

15.Do you plan on writing one day a series on the Empire of Kesh like you did with the Trilogy of the Empire?

Probably not. I really have shown all of Kesh I wanted to in Prince of the Blood, Krondor: the Assassins, and Flight of the Nighthawks.
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